"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." James Allen

Silvia Hartmann, Creator of The Genius Symbols

Silvia Hartmann was born in Germany in 1959. As the metaphor/conscious to unconscious mind communications specialist, energist, NLP, hypnosis and communications expert, Silvia Hartmann published "Project Sanctuary" in 1993, a modern methodology to learn the language of metaphor.

Silvia Hartmann created The Genius Symbols in 2009 to make it easy for everyone, including children, to be able to access the data streams of information from the energy mind (previously known as the sub- or unconscious mind) at will. This allows many more people the opportunity to use "the genius mind" which happens when the conscious mind and the energy mind work in unison, even if only for a brief time, for problem solving in business, science, therapy and personal development.

Apart from The Genius Symbols, Silvia Hartmann is the author of Events Psychology (2009) and Infinite Creativity (2011) and enjoys painting, composing, sculpting and creative writing as well as using information derived from the genius mind to make the world a more logical place.


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